The Blank Book

One of the new thrills in my life [sigh…there are so few as one ages….] is reading the books my students have written. I also get a kick out of buying these books on So, it was a great pleasure to purchase and read, The Blank Book, by Magdalena Scott [which is a pseudonym], published in paperback January 2009. This book was first published as an e-book and is available on Kindle . Below is the review I wrote for I’m not too skilled at writing reviews, but hope to improve as more of my students produce books.

The plot of The Blank Book poses an interesting question: can we create our own future and if so, how do we do it? The characters are so satisfying: Robert is dreamily handsome and romantic, while Alice is slightly tart, at least in self dialogue, yet sweetly romantic, too. Old friends add drama,
but it’s Alice’s mother who twists the plot. With its cozy small town atmosphere, crisp dialogue, snappy plot, and likable characters, The Blank Book, is pleasing and entertaining. In fact, one can get lost in the enthralling romance and blissful detail. Introverts who enjoy a lively inner dialogue will appreciate Alice, while romantics who like a real hunk of man will sigh over Robert. Flecks of irony add reading pleasure to a story with an intriguing twist. All in all, it’s a delightful book; one wishes for many more from the same author.

Stimulus Package

I see that the Republicans in the House voted, as a block, against the Stimulus Bill. What a bunch of slime balls. They call for “across the aisle” rapport and bipartisanship when they are in control, but fail to deliver when they are the minority. How I wish the voters had swept them all out and literally cleaned House. Will the Democrats ever learn??

Dressing “right”—Michelle and her girls…

Michelle’s Inauguration dress was lovely! She looked stately, stylish, young, lively, and beautiful—all combined. I enjoyed the girl’s dresses, too—lovely colors and sooooooo appropriate, none of that dreadful Hannah Montana, Madonna, slut look clothing that far too many parents let their daughters wear. The other stand-out was Aretha Franklin’s hat—-awesome!! I loved it!!  I am so hopeful that the lovely clothing styles favored by stylish Black women will begin to prevail. The clothing at Coretta Scott King’s funeral was amazing—color, drama, vibrancy—those women know how to dress! And, the hats were awesome, too. Surely as we bring together the many subcultures within this country, all the segments of the people of Color [is that politically correct??? can we be done with political correctness???], then the lovely clothing colors, fabrics, and styles of Spanish, Asian, Black, African, etc., can become the fashion.  My goodness….we might even get rid of suits and ties, panty hose, stiletto heels, and other horrors. And basic black…..ugh….so “correct” and so dreary.  Let color flow….beautiful, vibrant color!!!


Oh…..a great day for LIBERALS!!!!! Paul Krugman won the Nobel Prize in Economics!!